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Competition Results
23 May 2010

 The Northern Counties Ladies Bowling Association recently held their singles competition, this taking place over a week at various greens, including ours, and the winner of the competition was Judi, who will now have the opportunity to represent the NCLBA as the single element in the top ten team taking part in next years national championships.  On behalf of the club, well done Judi.

The battle for clubs to be represented at the finals of the various national competitions got under way during the past week.

With results to hand so far it is a mixed bag for the club with Yvonne and Charlie unfortunately losing out in the mixed pairs but better news for the pairs and senior fours with Hugh and Eddie in the former and Sandy, Julian, Wattie and John F., in the latter getting through to the next round.  So far I have not heard how the fours, Alistair, Jim, Roddy and Douglas got on, but will inform you as soon as I am aware.  The triples, Charlie, Bill and David G., did not have a game last week

Congratulations to those winning through and commiserations to those who did not.

Update:- Fours also won through their tie.

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