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Fiona Malcolm




Around 20 years experience of working with linguistics to encourage  personal transformation through mind and body empowerment. Also, over 20 years involvement in personal growth/self healing work.

Riverdale Centre, Church Street, Inverness

Varies according to location, please email or phone for details


Academic linguistic training through Cambridge University and their DELTA programme followed by a Masters in Applied Linguistics with Sheffield Hallam University. The holistic interest in the use of linguistics in re-programming the brain cystallised in the Middle East where I worked with hypnosis and NLP. This has been supplemented by re-certifying upon my return to the UK to comply with registration legislation in Britain.

I have also trained in several complementary/healing therapies, including Reiki, Laughter Yoga and Energy Healing.


2013 Diploma, Co-Creative Healing, Findhorn College
2011 Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Motivation Training
2011 Master Practitioner NLP, Motivation Training
2010  MA TESOL / Applied Linguistics, Sheffield Hallam University
2007  DELTA International House Teacher Training, Barcelona and Cambridge University
2006  CELTYL British Council, (Bahrain)
2003  Trinity TESOL
2000  BA Hons in Social Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University


CNHC – Complementary and Natural Healthcare Centre.
CRSST – Central Register of Stop Smoking Therapists
GHR – General Hypnotherapy Registrar
GHSC – General Hypnotherapy Standards Council
HypnoBand Licensed Practitioner

* All members of these societies are required to be professionally trained, insured and maintain continued professional development.


£60 per single session with discount available for block booking. Smoking cessation is £90

HypnoBand is £350 for the package

10% discount for NFA

A hypnotist merely helps to facilitate your experience - hypnotherapy is not about being made to do things, in fact it is the opposite; it is about empowerment.

My aim is to help people just like you to love their lives. To help you resolve issues and treat problems which have been holding you back, work with you to create goals for your future and support you so you can achieve them.

By using classic and cutting-edge therapeutic techniques with professionalism, passion, and confidence, I facilitate your personal transformation with positive intention.


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