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Diana Grell


 Movements of the Soul (Family Constellations)

Counselling and Energy Healing



"We don’t see things as they are.  We see them as we are." 


24 Romach Rd, Forres IV36 1HU,    01309 358934




Starting off with a Marketing/PR Diploma, I continued to work in different Social Work settings in Germany for several years and Mental Health in Scotland.  For the last nine years I have been running my own practice based in Forres offering individual, couple and group sessions locally and nationally.
My healing service includes 3 main tools:
Movements of the Soul: This work brings light on unconscious entanglements with family members and other people’s lives. Restoring the order heals the blockages and reconnects with the flow of life.
Counselling: Counselling based on Psychosynthesis and psychic awareness to integrate experiences fully.
Energy Healing: Scientific Energy Healing used as Hands-on Healing to harmonise and align the aura, communicating with the spiritual and angelic realm and learning to use energy to understand life more deeply.
I trained in Psychosynthesis, courses in Bodywork and alternative health methods. Further I have trained in Social Work, Family Constellations and Hands-on Energy Healing.
For my further development I am attending the Crucible Training (modern Mystery School, Rosalyn L. Bruyere) and Self Realisation Programme and The Diamond Approach (A. H. Almaas) with Hunter Beaumont on an ongoing basis.
Diploma in Marketing/PR
Diploma in Social Work
Family Constellations Practitioner
Hands-on Energy Healing (Rosalyn L. Bruyere)
Forres and Scotland Wide
£45 per session (1 hour)
Motivated by my love for the truth, I am creating a space where an understanding of Self can happen.  I want to contribute to self development and self-realisation. 
We need to integrate blockages and traumas causing our personalities to distort.  Once our ego development is congruent enough, we are able to deepen our connection to our true nature, essence or soul.  This will lead to living more fully.
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