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Kens Nature Notes
13 November 2006
Kens Nature Notes NOVEMBER 2006. Now the winds are here with a vengeance, whipping the leaves into heaps like drifting snow. The Poplars alongside the Cricket Club wall strain against the force of the North wind; the path is now carpeted with leaves from these poplars. The roots strain to unearth the tarmac path as they anchor its main body into the ground. Other roads have been swept clean by the force of the winds, few leaves are now left on the trees, only their skeletons are now visible. It would be bad news for the trees if they had a full coat of leaves in these powerful winds, so its just as well they can shed their leaves before shredding the winds. Wet and windy is November, short daylight days, long dark nights. Now is the time for planting out our new stock of trees, Saturday we managed to plant seventy English Oaks in and around Lumley Burn Park, unfortunately we were caught out by the torrential rains, we got soaked, but the trees got a good watering in, we dried out eventually. More trees are ready for planting, one minute they seem like saplings next minute they are six year old, and reluctant the leave the nursery. The bird feeders have been cleaned and refilled for the first time this autumn. The starlings are soon fighting to see who can get the most peanuts, they have already stripped the Mountain Ash of the red berries, and as most people who put out washing to dry will testify, the starlings have been very busy on the Elder berries, with devastating results especially on the white shirts. Bird boxes were fastened up a number of trees last month, so some roosting birds will have quite desirable residences this winter, with some taking out free mortgages for their families in the spring. So keep warm, and enjoy the winter sun. Ken.
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