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Bees for Biodiversity
08 November 2006
Bees for Biodiversity The Group have a colony of bees to pollinate the wide range of plants found in the ancient relic woodland, plantation woodlands, grasslands and streamside habitats found around our village. An added advantage is that local gardeners should see an increase in their flower and vegetable crops. Members have had a taste of the honey from the colony and all said it was fantastic. Flavour is not the only important property of this locally produced honey, it can help with allergies and reactions to plant pollen. Because the honey is gathered and made by the bees from the wide range of local plants it contains vital pollen and chemicals specific to the area. Taking the honey on a regular basis introduces these reactive agents (known as antigens) gradually to our bodies through the digestive system, allowing the body to gradually increase its' immunity by itself producing products (called antibodies)that counteract the effects of the problem pollen.
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