SpanglefishBARTG: British Amateur Radio Teledata Group | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 10/08/2018.


Ian was co-opted to the committee in early 2009, with the remit to take over the duties of webmaster.

Ian writes:

I have been active since 1977, with several years as a SWL before that, and lucky enough to have been born into an active amateur family. Introduced to HF DXing at an early age, I nevertheless cut my teeth on 2m CW auroral DXing, using a big beam from a sensational location.

Work, marriage and life in general saw me QRT for several years, but 1999 saw a re-awakening of my interest in HF, and data modes in particular. Initial activity was with PSK31, and I got involved in assisting the VK3BGH led RSQ alternative signal reporting concept, as the webmaster (

Since then my interests have focused on RTTY contesting and DXing, as well as CW. My station is modest: Kenwood TS570D running 50w RTTY to a ground mounted vertical dipole on 20m only. I mainly use Logger32 / MMTTY for general logging, and N1MM / MMTTY for contesting, but enjoy experimenting with new modes and software, including FLDigi.

Ian can be contacted by email: - please feel free to contact me should you find broken pages, links, typos, etc. - also, if you would like to input News or Links: all are welcome.

WikanikoWork from Home
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