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Ashfield Art Group First Exhibition
28 April 2012

The first exhibition of the Wednesday Art group, that I teach, took place on the last weekend of April 2012.

I started the art group in 2010 and always intended to hold an exhibition

as part of the process of learning what it is to be an artist.

It was a great chance to show all the work that we had put in for the past

eighteen months and it was wonderful to see the 200 pieces of art all displayed,

by both the adult class and children's class. 

One of our members, Bill Sharpe, decided to use all the proceeds from his sales to make a donation to 

Alzheimers Scotland. Inspired by this, we had collection boxes for the charity and as a result of donations,

and Bill's sales £300 was raised!

I was so proud of the group and how wonderful their work looked. I can see positive progress from 

all the members of the group and some of the talent is really impressive!

The local press supported us as well, by devoting a double page colour feature to the exhibition!

I expect to make this a regular event, perhaps every other year. 



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